Car Window Poetry

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Seeing with the Eyes of a Tourist

Happy Socktober!

We're ten days away from Socktoberfest, an event focused on proving that even the smallest acts of love, like sharing a poem or donating a pair of socks, can make a big difference in the lives of our neighbors who are homeless.

I'm super excited for this opportunity to serve homeless youth at Urban Peak Colorado Springs. Last weekend, my girlfriend visited me in Colorado and it helped me see my community with new eyes. I drove over 700 miles in the span of a few days, but I loved every minute of it. What kept me going was seeing her eyes light up as she saw new sight after new sight.

Locals aren't usually amused by tourists, but I think there's something beautiful about tourism. When you visit somewhere for the first time, everything is new. What seems mundane to the local is iconic and beautiful to the tourist.

It got me thinking, What would it be like for me to see my city with the eyes of a tourist? To look upon my community and the people in it with wonder? To see the beauty in my town and continue seeking ways to make it better?

Whether you live in Colorado Springs or not, there are 3 ways you can make people's lives better this October:

1. Attend Socktoberfest

During Socktoberfest, we're going to collect donated items and also write poems together that will be delivered to Urban Peak's homeless young adults. This event will be a great time to connect with awesome people in Colorado Springs, write together, and share beauty and hope with our community. RSVP here!

2. Donate Items

Through Socktoberfest, we not only get to provide our homeless friends with hope and encouragement through poetry, but we also get to meet their physical needs by providing them with socks and other necessities. These items will be collected at the event. We have a list of Urban Peak's food and supplies needs here.

3. Submit Poems

Even if you're not based in Colorado Springs, you can still help us give hurting humans hope through Socktoberfest by submitting poems of encouragement. Your words won't go to waste, but they'll be directly delivered to our homeless friends at Urban Peak. Submit your poems here!

With your help, I believe we can warm a lot of hearts with socks and poems. To RSVP to Socktoberfest and learn more about the event, visit here!

Much love.