Car Window Poetry

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A Year of Adventure

Unchanging with age is my heart's fascination with stories of adventure. I remember reading through all seven Harry Potter books my senior year of high school and falling in love with the young wizards' exciting undertakings and new frontiers. To me, adventure symbolized life. Adventurers were bold, open to new opportunities, and lived beyond fear. 

But in my mind, adventuring wasn't for me. It was for the characters in books and movies. The people who liked being outdoors. The brave, the strong, the heroic. Not me. Then, 2016 arrived and I started the year preparing to embark on what would be an incredible adventure – a one-month study abroad trip to Europe, my first time outside of North America.

From there, the adventures didn't stop. I graduated from college, moved across the country to a new state, started a new job, and launched Car Window Poetry, which has opened the door to so many new opportunities and beautiful relationships. I didn't go seeking adventure. In a lot of ways, it found me and I'm so glad it did.

As 2016 comes to a close, I find myself living a great story. This story is marked by adventure, inspiration and creativity. However, no story worth reading is complete without a guide. Thank you for coming alongside me, entering into the Car Window Poetry story, and helping me take this project further than I could've by myself, transforming it into a movement.

We finish this year only four months in and we've already seen such amazing things happen. We've gained national attention through features on NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt and HLN's MichaeLA, encouraging poems have been shared in 30 states nationwide, and we've received inspiring stories from people across the United States.

While I'm thankful for the impact Car Window Poetry has had this year, I wholeheartedly believe the best is yet to come in 2017 because of people like you who are willing to share their words and prove that even the smallest acts of love can make a big difference in people's lives.

Join me in reaching all 50 states in 2017? Get started here!

Much love.